Monday 27 November 2017

Digital Trends Bounds to take over Dubai in 2018

Dubai is digitally the fastest developing city in the world and plans to becoming one of the most technologically advanced one in the world to provide world-class services in all sectors. With regards to its rapid growth and aims for the future, a 10-million square feet innovation hub will be made in the coming years, while the government effectively searches for powerful partners to help UAE tackle future challenges.

The UAE has always been at the bleeding edge of embracing new technologies and the UAE government has always been supportive of new innovations. Considering this, software development companies, including mobile app development companies Dubai started working on new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and etc. And Dubai has got big plans for 2018. Want a peek at it? Here’s what Dubai is up to in the year 2018.

In light of the Expo 2020, Dubai increased its endeavours to make strides towards environmental friendliness, with government planning to increase its green cover.

Also, the huge increase in population and the simplicity of car ownership has directly affected the number of car accidents. In 2016, pedestrians accounted for 30% of the city’s road deaths. The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai aims to increase public transportation trips up to 30% by 2020. Several road construction and extra pedestrian bridges projects are also planned to increase safety and concern.

Also, the city wishes to adopt clean and environment-friendly fuels and use artificial intelligence. Most probably by 2020, Dubai will become a cyclist and pedestrian‑friendly city.

Advanced Biometrics
Online transactions are more popular and secure than ever before. Digital wallets and mobile payment options rose higher than ever this year.

Transaction Value in the Mobile Payments segment amounts to US$224,426m in 2017. The number of users is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2017-2021) of 40.1 % resulting in the total amount of US$865,535m by 2021.

There is continuous and progressive battle to make the online transactions more secure. One of the key innovations is the improvement of advanced biometrics. Advanced Biometric including all, voice scanners, iris scans, and facial recognition are on the whole outfitting to guarantee a cash-free, secure Dubai.

Earlier this year, the Dubai government had announced its Blockchain city plan and its intention to turn into the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 2020. Dubai has always been a frontrunner when it comes to adopting new technologies and to become the world’s first government to optimize business decisions with the help of Blockchain infrastructure.

The Dubai Blockchain Strategy will help Dubai to save 25.1 million hours of economic productivity, akin to 5.5bn dirhams, or $1.5bn, in savings per year.

Artificial Intelligence
The Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum says AI applications will generate incomes and give new chances to the economy. The UAE looks forward to become a major hub for developing AI techniques and legislation.

After Saudi Arabia, UAE became the first country to pass its citizenship to a robot and took artificial intelligence readiness to another level. The government has also recently appointed a State Minister for Artificial Intelligence.

Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad said, “We want the UAE to become the world’s most prepared country for artificial intelligence,”

Dubai, for instance, plans to have robotic cops on the streets by 2030. While many specialists, most notably Elon Musk, are concerned about further AI‑development, the Emirates isn’t so much.

Self-Driving Cars
Recently, the Dubai police force introduced a self-driving car, and by the end of this year, it will start patrolling and scanning the traffic for anomalies. An amazing fact about these cars is that they will also be equipped with drones to follow targets off-road).

Sheikh Mohammed said, “By 2030, 25 percent of all transportation trips in Dubai will be smart and driverless. The strategy is projected to generate economic revenues and savings of up to Dh22 billion a year,”

Looking for artificial intelligence services?
FuGenX started as a mobile app development company Dubai and providing world-class services on artificial intelligence as well, at present.

Reach FuGenX at also for world-class iOS and android app development services.

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